Saturday, September 13, 2008

It's 88 degrees at 8:30, lets sell sweaters!

Why is it that I can't find a pair of shorts in Georgia in early September? It does not get cold here until November and even then it is not that cold usually. The last thing I want to think about as I am sweating walking from store to store is "I really should try on a leather coat and long johns" Plus, it is 2008 people. Why are company's still making the kind of short shorts your Dad wore when he took you to the mountains for a family vacation in 1993? Does anybody outside of the criminally insane think "Exposing all my hairy man thigh, that is a good look for me"? BAH! I have spent 7 hours today and been in 3 Walmarts, Target, K-Mart (which always sucked, but now looks to me like Big Lots if they took out the 5 cool things in Big Lots and packed it with stuff that the Dollar Store said "Looked cheap") every store in the local mall, every store in the local outlet mall, and somewhere else that I forgot. So I guess I will just have to be hot and sweaty and smell like someone burned a dirty camel with a blowtorch.

And one more thing, there was a dude at the mall that smelled like a petting zoo took a bath in vanilla ice cream. Congratulation on your confusing musk, Sir Stinky!

1 comment:

heathcliff said...

I'm impressed by the inventive imagery and sensory descriptions used on this blog.

'a petting zoo took a bath in vanilla ice cream.'

'burned a dirty camel with a blowtorch.'

You have a gift, my friend. Use it for good, not evil.